Public speaking has been ranked the number one fear, ahead of death. And since death is the inevitable, it makes sense to conquer your fear of public speaking and even become a successful public speaker! This public speaking blog aims to give you insightful and easy-to-apply tips on various aspects of public speaking that includes overcoming your fear of public speaking, writing speeches, delivering speeches, excelling in presentations, adding humor and much more!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A quick recap: Ten Comedy Secrets of Becoming Absolutely Funny on Stage!

That's right. Being funny is not a God-given talent. It can be learnt just like swimming, baseball and writing. For more details on each tip, click on the links below.

1. It is a process
2. You need stage time
3. Audience laughed when they are successfully tricked
4. Humor stands for tragedy
5. The best jokes aren’t written. They are rewritten.
6. Attitude
7. Great Improv isn’t!
8. Material, Delivery and Setting = WOW!
9. It is never the audience, it is ALWAYS you!
10. Comedy is about belief.

Ten Comedy Secrets of Becoming Absolutely Hilarious on Stage - Part 1
Ten Comedy Secrets of Becoming Absolutely Hilarious on Stage - Part 2
Ten Comedy Secrets of Becoming Absolutely Hilarious on Stage - Part 3
Ten Comedy Secrets of Becoming Absolutely Hilarious on Stage - Part 4


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